Blue Wolf Tech

20+ years of experience with electronics
troubleshooting, repair, and design - I'm here to help.

Technical support and troublehshooting experience is a must and has helped me provide skills necessary to help any arcade.

Whether you're a home-gamer wanting to build a small personal inventory of arcade cabinets or you're an entrepreneur wanting to build the best arcade around - getting the support you need, whether its a simple question or an intensive repair, I'm here to help!

What I can offer you

Providing repairs or technical support isn't the only service I provide - below is a brief list of services I provide.

  • Inspect and verify arcade machines
  • Troubleshoot and present a plan of repair
  • Repair assemblies and electronics
  • Create PM Schedules and lists of spares for your assets.

A Few Accomplishments

Helping people with their Arcade and VR games is one of my passions. Maintaining and providing support, along with research and development is my driving force for wanting to branch out on my own and help those out there that might not know where to start or to look.

VRSenal and the original Beat Saber cabinet - Fort Collins, CO

During 2018/2019 I was a part of the team that made the VR sensation known as Beat Saber; a self-contained, automated VR cabinet developed to be installed in arcades.

Helping with research, development and testing, getting things streamlined to conform with specifications and reduce the complexity for a production line were some of the projects I worked on. This led me down a path to figure out a better way of producing and maintaining sustainable parts and assemblies for this cabinet.

The Summit/Performance Entertainment - Windsor, CO

2017 to present day, my day job is repairing, maintaining and providing insight on how to keep older and newer arcade games going - by repairing assemblies that have been discontinued and are no longer available, making new wire harnesses that aren't available - or might need an update that the manufacturer hasn't realized yet.

Boomtown Blast - Casper, WY

I was tasked to visit and help the technical staff work on their arcade. I developed a preventative maintenance schedule to help them keep their games top notch and keep an eye out for items that might wear out or break - along with a list of spare parts recommended to keep on hand.